Tuesday 26 July 2011

Thing 2

Woah! Too many blogs, too little time! After solving, via a roundabout route, the issues referred to in earlier posts, I've now started to make my way through some blogs, trying to decide which of them I'd like to read more of.

There are now over 700 people taking part in cpd23. There's no way I'm going to be able to read everyone's so a search strategy was required. By "search", I mean "filter", by "strategy", I mean "use delicious tags to only show a certain number of blogs". Very scientific.

Anyway, I managed to get the big list down to a slightly more manageable list of 176 UK HE library people. Lots of people here similar to me, some familiar names.

I'm following a selection of blogs now, chosen for the following reasons:

  • I like their writing style

  • They are familiar to me in some way (I follow on Twitter, have worked with them)

  • They are from, or work in, my locality

  • They relate their blog thoughts to more than one subject (using cross-referencing/analogies/metaphor/their own interests)

  • Their lives sound more interesting than my own!

I deliberately excluded blogs which had no posts, or only a few, which looked as if the author had given up early. I may be completely wrong: I myself have been very lax on the blogging front recently (can I blame being on holiday for this?).

So all I have to do now is read properly the blogs I have subscribed to, and write something about them!

Perhaps I'll leave that to tomorrow...

Friday 22 July 2011

23 things - up and running

Well, the reason I haven't done any of the "23 things" is because we've been having trouble with the blog at work. A not very speedy internet connection and a blog which has all its content (including images and widgets) on one page means that every time I try to access it my browser stops responding.

Perhaps a redesign of the blog to limit the number of posts on a page might rectify this problem.

In the meantime, I shall be trying to follow everything via the very handy RSS feed, http://cpd23.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default, and try to catch up over the next couple of weeks.

Friday 1 July 2011

23 things

23 things for professional development should be something that I can do at work, however, our network conncection is so flaky and our browser so out of date that unfortunately the blog keeps crashing every time I try to access it.

So I am attempting to post via email in the meantime, although not being able to access the blog kind of restricts my ability to do thing 3: look at other people's blogs! If this were twitter I'd say #epicfail

Anyway, blogs are a great way of posting your thoughts on anything and everything, but not great if, like me, you're quite forgetful, or don't really have a lot to communicate.

At least twitter limits your characters so there's less pressure to write something interesting!

When I have access to the blog again I'm hoping to set up a feed so that everything comes to my inbox. Hang on, isn't that one of the future things..?