Monday 26 September 2011

Thing 17 **Update** - Prezi / data visualisation / slideshare

Oooh, Prezi.  I'm having a go at putting my CV on a Prezi at (which is quite easy because there's a template) and I really like the way you can visualise and display the content of your presentations.

It has taken me a while to get used to how it all works, and I don't think the interface is as user-friendly as it could be (I ended up using copy and paste a lot, because I couldn't work out how to create a new text box, element or frame) but I think with a bit more practice it will come to me.

It offers you a much more interesting presentation than you can create on PowerPoint, which is limited to a linear progression through a set of slides.  With Prezi all the information goes on one slide and you zoom in and out and around the data.  This enables you to return to previously discussed ideas without having to create a new slide.


I can see me using this a lot in future.

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